Sam's Scientific Adveture (Sci-fi)

Sam's Scientific Adveture


It was a Monday. Sam was in the school bus, going to school. He asked,” What are we going to learn in science class today?” His best friend, Tom said,” We are going to learn about the Solar System today.” Sam said,” Really?” He felt excited all of a sudden. How good would it be to learn about the interesting space?

Sam was a short boy with short jet black hair. He was thin as pole. He was never a first boy in class but he enjoyed learning new things and liked to read books.

Sam learned about the 8 planets in the solar system in science class. He daydreamed that he was in space, on a mission to keep foot on the planets. Each planet looked more unique and interesting than the other. 

The bell for lunch break brought him back to Earth. He could see all his friends rushing towards the school playground. He rushed after them.

He played football with his friends and was having fun. Suddenly, his little eyes fell upon a far abandoned corner of the ground. Something was shining there. He went forward.

Lay there a rock. But it was no ordinary rock, it was not some grey-black dirty rock but a rainbow colored shiny rock. It was the size of a tennis ball and the shape was an exact circle. Overall, it looked magnificent yet mysterious.

Sam picked up the rock, hoping to get a closer look at it. Suddenly he was engulfed into darkness. He couldn’t breathe.


Suddenly his feet found solid ground beneath it. It was very hot and Sam could feel the blazing sunlight almost burning his skin. He opened his eyes with some difficulty. There was the most bizarre seen before his eyes. The sun here looked absolutely huge, it seemed to cover the whole sky. Unable to stare at it much longer, he looked down. He was in a market with very weird things- a type of red water, a type of purple rock and many more. But Sam was actually bamboozled by the people over there. They were about 20 feet tall, thin and black. And they were wearing strange, white sunglasses. Sam thought he ought to talk to them so he stepped forward, the planet turned into darkness.

 Next moment, he found himself in an extremely hot place; even hotter than the previous one. The Sun looked smaller yet dominant from here. There was nobody to be seen around. The ground looked dry. It looked like the planet Venus.

 “Oh!” shouted Sam punching his palm,” now I understand! I am teleporting planet to planet, and the previous planet was Mercury!” he stepped forward and dissolved into nothingness.

 He emerged on a red planet. The ground was red and rocky. It was a bit cold and the sun looked quite small from here. There were strange people with green skin. The sky was black, the river was white and the trees were red. Everything looked confusing. Sam gingerly stepped forward.

Now he saw he was “standing” on gas. Yes, “literally standing”. Sam stood shocked. What was going on? What is next? The gas looked dense and it was cold. Sam’s face turned pale. Slowly he put his foot forward.

Suddenly the scene changed into (or did it?) the same scene (at least that is what Sam thought). But this time, Sam saw a brilliant red ring around the planet (the only source of comfort). Sam now started to panic.

“How am I going to go back home? Will I ever go back, or will I be stuck in space?” Sam said, He didn’t have the answer he walked into nothingness. 

Next movement, he felt ice. He felt as though he was going to be ice. He felt very cold. His nose seemed not to be there, his hands turned blue. He felt as though he was frozen. He looked down stiffly. The ground was like gas, not ordinary gas but like liquid nitrogen. Shaking all over, he dived forward. He didn’t know if he transported, but he felt colder all of a sudden. Sam opened his eyes and saw blue ground which looked like gas. 

 Teeth chattering, He thought “what’s next? I have gone through all planets.” Fearing the next, he stepped forward.

He was surrounded by his friends and the headmaster was looking over him. There were worried faces everywhere. “How do you feel, Sam?” Tom asked timidly.

Sam didn’t answer. Was it a dream, or was it true? The rock? Where was the rock? It was not there. So was it a dream? It is then up to you friends.  

Written by:

Anurup Das

Scholastica Uttara

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